Friday, June 03, 2011


Advanced Solar Collector

Solar panels are what you need to convert heat from sunlight into energy absorbed.A typical panel is composed of certain number of cells, coupled to generate electricity.There are various sizes of cells available in the market.Those you choose should suit your needs.

Solar energy be generated for different household requirements such as boiling water, cooking and lighting of your rooms can be used.Most countries have already made significant progress in the production of this form of energy that needs never made use of fuel in some form.Photon photovoltaics will be a process of the past, solar panels in many styles today, but the recent breakthrough in solar energy is IAU "Advanced Solar Collector".

This technology tries to harness the power of the sun through a different design of solar cells available.Instead of harnessing contained in silicon and phosphorus, and wood products is to use this new technology to the power of the sun itself.This is by far the most recent breakthrough in solar energy to date.The heat generated by the sun, and an automated system of control of these boards, to keep them at a 90 degree angle from the sun to generate this type of solar cell capable of a powerful energy source.

This technology tries to harness the power of the sun through a different design of solar cells available.Instead of harnessing contained in silicon and phosphorus, and wood products is to use this new technology to the power of the sun itself.This is by far the most recent breakthrough in solar energy to date.The heat generated by the sun, and an automated system of control of these boards, to keep them at a 90 degree angle from the sun to generate this type of solar cell capable of a powerful energy source. 

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