Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Growing Succulents - Faucaria


Faucaria are low growing succulents from South Africa and a good choice for anyone wanting to start growing succulents as house plants. They are exceptional guinea pigs for practicing succulent plant care on because if they start to rot there is usually part of the plant that can be removed and rooted. They will tolerate a wide variety of soil types and growing locations as long as there is plenty of sun. Want appears to be thorns are actually soft warty growths and they make large flowers for their small size.

In very dry warm regions these succulents make very impressive out door ground covers. In a more northern humid four seasons climate they are moderately challenging as indoor plants. On most points they are very easy to grow and will tolerate some over watering, but the challenge is to help them keep their compact form and prevent elongation of the stem.

As house plants they tend to grow in fair weather and rest when temperatures are too hot or too cool. For them to remain compact and natural looking they have to be keep dry when they are resting. They will do their best and are more likely to flower in a bright southern window and it's almost impossible to stress them with too much window sun. Their leaves will change to a beautiful darker shade when the seasons bring more sun light, and their bright yellow flowers will usually come out in the fall.

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